Finding the Right Fit

Zechman Family

Family Medicine That's Focused on All of You

Both of Andrew and Stephanie Zechman’s young daughters enjoy coming to see Susan Dock, Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner (CRNP), WellSpan Family Medicine – Middleburg.

“Susan and the staff all take great care of our girls,” Stephanie said. “Siena, who is three, has developed a real liking for Susan. Because of that, she is always eager to get a good report at her wellness visits—which any parent knows makes going to the doctor that much easier!”

Beyond the comfort level, patients benefit in a number of ways from establishing a primary care provider (PCP). Perhaps the most significant is in recognizing and preventing medical issues in the future, Dock explained.

“Developing a trusting relationship with your provider is essential when you need care at a vulnerable time in your life,” she said. “Subtle changes in a patient will be recognized by a provider who is familiar with the patient. Knowing their family and history will help in guiding medical decisions to provide the best care.”

In choosing a healthcare provider, the Zechmans wanted someone who views their health holistically whether being seen for annual health visits and screenings or acute medical issues. The Zechmans have been patients at WellSpan Family Medicine since 2015—they chose the Middleburg office in 2020 after their former provider accepted another position. The Middleburg office is near their Mt. Pleasant Mills home, Andrew said, and Dock came highly recommended. 

“Susan’s honesty and straightforward approach in making recommendations for managing our health and our children’s health makes the relationship stronger,” Andrew said. “Having a young family, the fact that Susan has a background in infant care, and having worked in a neonatal intensive care unit before, definitely adds to our trust in her recommendations.” 

Dock encourages patients to ask her to clearly explain their plan of care.

“If there are topics that you would like to discuss, write them down so you don’t forget when seeing your provider,” she said. “For topics that are particularly hard to discuss, it can be very beneficial to bring a family member or friend who you trust as a second set of ears to listen.”


Zechman Family

Not sure what questions to ask?

Start with Ask Me 3®, a program established by the National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF):

  • What is my main problem?
  • What do I need to do?
  • Why is it important for me to do this?

“These questions will help in understanding the current issues patients want to address, as well as the education and steps I can give them to impact and improve their health,” Dock said.

Andrew and Stephanie also appreciate the convenience of their entire family receiving care at the same practice.

“The ability to book multiple appointments at consecutive times saves us from added running and creating even busier schedules,” Stephanie said. “When one of us is sick, most likely the rest of the family will follow. Having one provider for our entire household simplifies care for both Susan as our provider and us as patients.”

When needed, a PCP recommends specialists. Dock is mindful of the trust patients place in her when they need a specialist or referral. They really want to know who she would recommend if she was choosing someone for her own family.

“When a provider is caring for a patient and knows them well, it is like caring for a family member,” Dock said.

The Zechmans appreciate Dock’s familiarity with their family’s background, which allows her to give advice based on that knowledge.

“Developing a connection with my patients is essential, knowing that I am providing them the best education and care to improve their outcomes and helping them prioritize their health,” she said. “Working in primary care allows me to help individuals navigate their healthcare needs.”

Whether they’re feeling sick, seeking guidance for a specialist’s care, or simply stopping in for a booster shot, the Zechmans are happy to have found a practice where they’re greeted like friends. 

“The Middleburg office is filled with a team that makes us feel welcome and cared for when we walk in the door,” Stephanie said. “Having access to a patient portal and working with the office staff, we feel we can get a response or appointment when needed without much of a wait.”

“We found a provider we are confident in,” Andrew added. “And with how hectic life can be as working parents with active kids, it’s a great comfort to know we can all seek care at a single location with one provider.”

Call 1-877-989-3826 to find the right fit for your family.